It’s not my responsibility to get famous (premiere march 2021)

Winner of KreativCampus.Rhur 2020

meme grid – source online

It’s not my responsibility to get famous is a dance production about memes and how they spread as replicating ideas within a community. Parini Secondo (Italy) and Magdalena Öttl (Germany) transfer the meme’s characteristics into choreography, copying its way of transmitting content intertextually and hypermedially. Inspired by Richard Dawkins’ studies (The selfish gene, 1976) the artists are investigating the relationship between replication and cultural identity. 

Through the collaboration with Alberto Ricca/Bienoise (music) and Daniel Gugitsch (visual design), the work is aiming to unwrap the significance of memes in our culture and to program new codes of interdisciplinary art for a broad audience, supporting the open source and internet aesthetics.

The project is winner of KreativCampus.Rhur call 2020 by ecce – european centre for creative economy (DE) and will be on residency from november 2020 aroud Essen (Kunsthaus, Kunsthallen, Maschinenhaus).