HIT out

Parini Secondo x Bienoise

2024 – on tour


© Pietro Bertora

HIT out is the agile and compact version of Parini Secondo and Bienoise‘s new production: a musical composition built around jump rope interpreted as a rhythmic and choreographic percussive instrument.

After a year of athletic training supported by the Italian jumpers’ community and sponsored by MarcRope (Milan), Parini Secondo and Bienoise focus on the sound produced by rope skipping, dissecting its timbral possibilities. The jumpers on stage perform a rhythmic and at the same time choreographic score in which single-unders, side-swings and double-unders are both athletic and musical elements: combined with voice and synthetic sounds, they harmonize into a true hit.

In the dual athletic and rhythmic nature of the jump, Parini finds the choreographic intuition translated into a circular performance space in perpetual motion. To jump, at once limping and flying, is a rebellion against gravity and all those forces that would have us lying motionless on the ground with our eyes closed. The pounding succession of rope strokes is the echo of this rebellion; with time its meaning fades away. The error suddenly happens and reminds us of the origin of our dissent: from the awareness of our weight, the reason for the uprising can be powerfully renewed.

HIT out
by Parini Secondo x Bienoise

with: Sissj Bassani, Martina Piazzi, Camilla Neri, Francesca Pizzagalli
choreography: Parini Secondo
music and score: Alberto Ricca/Bienoise
costumes: Giulia Pastorelli
ropes: MarcRope Milano
organisation: Margherita Alpini
production: Parini Secondo, Nexus Factory
co-production: Santarcangelo Festival

with the support of MiC and SIAE, in the frame of “Per Chi Crea” 2023/2024

and the support of Boarding Pass Plus, ROM Residencies on the move, Nuovo Grand Tour 2024, BIT Theater garasjen (Bergen, NO), NID platform, Italian Cultural Institute Oslo,Italian Cultural Institute Paris, Italian office for economics trade and culture in Taipei, Cantieri/Network Anticorpi XL (Ravenna), Magdalena Oettl (DE), AMAT Marche
and the hospitality of Le Carreau du Temple (Paris, FR), Taarnby Park Studios (Copenhagen, DK), Theatre Aire Libre (Rennes, FR), La Briqueterie (Val-de-Marne, FR), Preform/Samvirket (Fjaler, NO), ShineHouse Theatre (Taipei, TW), Teatro Petrella (Longiano, IT), CSC Opera Estate (Bassano del Grappa, IT), Armunia (Castiglioncello, IT)

advice of Camilla Rizzi, Lola Posani, Luigi Monteanni

© Bianca Peruzzi

Next Dates:

  • 16 sept 2024 – Solo cose belle Festival, Parma
  • 22 sept 2024 – Hyperlocal Festival, Milan
  • 18 oct 2024 – Performissima, Paris
  • 11-12 nov 2024 – Cinars, Montréal (Canada)